Sunday 30 December 2018

Travel That Replicated Life

Usually dull, after work evening,
When the moon was smiling in between the cloud lining.

With no issues to think of, I whooped my bike
And took the usual road home.

Bored off drifting past the same traffic,
Started to imagine random things.

One such weird deliberation blew me off,
Confusing me, if my life or that travel replicated the other.

No matter how many lanes there are in my life,
I still have got to travel in only one at a time.

Road I take, will always have obstacles,
But I have to cross them to reach home.

I come across many motivational lamp posts,
That brighten my travel back home.

Road-side shops are the people whom I dash into,
Though they are not permanent, these shops are a part of the travel.

Family is the vehicle’s headlight travelling all through,
Showing what is there lying in front of me.

Bike is so friendly and dearly that,
How hard I rev them it still gets me back on road.

Home is the best illusion of the travel,
There isn’t one but still I had hope of reaching it.

To my surprise, the weirdest part of the travel came at the end.
I bumped into a guy in khaki,
Who asked government’s permission for me to continue this travel of mine.